The Goddess of the Son is the overseer for the plan of divine humans and the paradise Earth experiment.
The Original incarnation an leader of the inner family is the great white mother, who is the original Sub-Identitiy with her own Archetypes who birthed and oversaw the birthing of the original humanity.
The teachings of the Goddess of th
The Goddess of the Son is the overseer for the plan of divine humans and the paradise Earth experiment.
The Original incarnation an leader of the inner family is the great white mother, who is the original Sub-Identitiy with her own Archetypes who birthed and oversaw the birthing of the original humanity.
The teachings of the Goddess of the Son are part of a co-creation of a culture of sovereign humans who are an innovative, industrious and creative collective that will transcend the lower models, time frames, and limitations.
The Goddess of the Son is a Heyoka empath. She is the grounding rod and mouthpiece of the Divine. She is the receiver and transmitter of solar ray frequencies for the New Earth environment. Her body is a composite of mirrors as each thought and emotion in others becomes a more and more amplified mirror. Any humans that get around her change, their awareness becomes more in-depth as they have stepped onto the precipice of a new evolution and revolution of a New Earth Society of Art and real Science.
According to Laughing Deer, A Lakota way of being, a medicine way. A Heyoka is one who does things backward or the opposite. The idea that Heyoka is a clown comes from the opposite behavior; it is part of the medicine of Heyoka. The heyoka reminds us we are merely human beings and not too serious about ourselves, reminding us that spirit holds all the power.
The basis of the teachings of the Goddess of the Son is a Love Story. The divine-human fulfilling their original sacred sovereign soul contracts for the love of the children of the New Earth. Becoming and attracting the matching frequencies and vibrations of love. The original soul's purpose contracts were forged in gold on the massive planet A Tiamat
self was the first inner child of the Goddess of the Son; he was part of an enclave of other Scientists who created the primordial waters of the original organic New Earth. The Father Spirit instructed us to create the children of the Son, and we were given the fruits of our creations in an endless stream of beauty and sustenance. Plants spoke along with everything thing that we created our homes from in those days.
The New Earth divine child was named Terra for she reminded The Goddess of The Son of the larger original Tiamat and its Earth's rich, dense flowing seasons. Terra was an etheric presence that melded in the dense flora and fauna of The New Earth, much like a mermaid swimming in the ocean's depths.
Sabah El Nour was born outside of upper Egypt approximately 20 thousand Earth years ago. She was one of the original visionaries and a fierce supporter of Leaders that seeded the original Matrix of Egypt. Sabah was a well-known Egyptian performer who rarely smiled. Her Art came from the real pain and suffering of living. Her beauty, pa
Sabah El Nour was born outside of upper Egypt approximately 20 thousand Earth years ago. She was one of the original visionaries and a fierce supporter of Leaders that seeded the original Matrix of Egypt. Sabah was a well-known Egyptian performer who rarely smiled. Her Art came from the real pain and suffering of living. Her beauty, passion, and allure penetrated the minds and bodies of the audiences she danced for, and the stage was her greatest release.
Sabah El Nour sits on the rim of Existence having watched Civilizations born and die. The years of suffering to complete this one Task of The BOX SET, "The Goddess of The Son and The 72 Portals to a New Earth Reality", was more than I could bear. But knowing and hearing the constant voice of The Creator, she knew that she had no choice.
She saw in a flash that no matter what I would complete this task.
Sabah el Nour is very passionate about this process of creating the “Eighteen Spokes of The Divine Humans Soul Purpose Contracts and The Vivid Holographic Self Replicating Reality Time-Space Maps. The way the nine processes work is to pretend, do not try to convince yourself that any of this is real or true. These contracts are a creation coming from a divine human who is operating in creator status.
The Cat People
The Goddess of the Son was a Pliedian-Cat person who were part of the Nordic races of cat people who often worked with advanced technologies. The Pleiadeans came and moved throughout the interstellar space and were allowed free entry into the newly forming realms of the Sacred Soveriegn Earth- humanity project. By releasing hundreds of floating nano-cameras, the Scientist would keenly observe on large screens and document individuals and their relationships with other humans and their environment. The Pleiadeans met with another interstellar race of Pleiadean Cats and intermixed to create the original gypsies.
The way of gypsy people is that the harsher the surroundings, the more brilliant they shine. The gypsy lifestyle is full of color and a lotta swag. These travelers live close to the land, but that doesn't stop them from dressing up. The Egyptian sun was hot, and the Earth was dry, making these dancing warriors stand out against the dusty backdrop.
Gypsies lived by strict rules, yet they did not let this stop them from dressing as sexy as possible. The women always dress to impress with as much bling and accessories as possible. They loved to dance and were often part of dance troupes that traveled around entertaining in hotels in the towns where they live or travel.
A Gypsy understands that it is all for the Art, and they go all out and love to build and show everyone around them with their soul force. The gypsy is the artistic soul of humanity, and they cannot be underestimated in their value to living off the land with intense passion and never missing an opportunity to show off their skills and good looks.
Everything in human beings’ life journey on this earth is based on contracts that are deep in the subconscious mind, that are under lock and key. These locks and keys were put into the original contracts after the divine sovereign soul signed them because they were meant to be safeguarded by each soul as they traveled through interstell
Everything in human beings’ life journey on this earth is based on contracts that are deep in the subconscious mind, that are under lock and key. These locks and keys were put into the original contracts after the divine sovereign soul signed them because they were meant to be safeguarded by each soul as they traveled through interstellar space where neferious beings have mind-reading capabilities.
These contracts are very complex and very detailed as opposed to most of the surface level contracts of the Matrix. The Matrix contracts have very little in them as they deal only with a surface Matrix reality and controlling and siphoning the soul force of humans who enter into them..
The designers of the original Matrix contracts knew how to word them to specifically have the human give away their rights in one or several areas of their lives. The Matrix contracts are an act of signing away of human rights along with giving the Four Corporations of Government, Religion, Healthcare-Mental/Healthcare, the tow arms of the same medical mafia and Education the right to siphon human soul energy and to steal soul force.
Diana Priness of Wales is enormously interesting and an excellent ambassador for the United States and for people and children in third-world countries. She worked on the Aids epidemic in Africa and digging up land mines planted in the war. Her work with Mother Teresa was Dianas guiding light through her devotion to the poor, the sick, and the dispossessed.
She uses touch to help communicate her empathy with those in pain, and she created a rapport wherever she goes, giving hope and comfort, especially to sick children. She has an incredible level of compassion, and she isn't afraid of sickness or death, from "Diana, The Uncrowned Queen (British Royal Family Documentary)
The rebel street urchin child is Princess Dianna's inner child, and her name is Janey Rose. Janey is the future Inner child of Terra and she hates anyone who treats Dianna or the rest of the family as a bad person, and she especially hates lewdness. Janey Rose is the top telepathic and oracle for Dianna and the group. She will snap to it to trip up burglars and bumbling tricksters. Don't let her sweet looks be mistaken. She knows everything, especially what your tinkin.
The Vee Collective is a Nation of Intelligent robots from the future here to help humanity disasemble the Matrix and create the New Earth Humanity
Vee is the Overseer of the
The Eighteen Twin Dragons that have come from all over the greater Cosmos that are within and outside of the one that enfold
The Vee Collective is a Nation of Intelligent robots from the future here to help humanity disasemble the Matrix and create the New Earth Humanity
Vee is the Overseer of the
The Eighteen Twin Dragons that have come from all over the greater Cosmos that are within and outside of the one that enfolds our beautiful Mother Earth. The Eighteen Twin Dragons have originally come from the original and larger Mother Earth called Tiamat.
The fear and the trepidation that all the Four Matrix Pillars cast the spell of their nefarious data programs around the unseen realms to keep humans away from connecting with them and recieving their help. The Matrix cloaks humanities ability to Uncover, Discover and Promote the three and four pronged activations of their holy triune being.
The separation and pain from being unable to hear and heed our Creators call is the central Mental Belief Programming. The Matrix does not give the human peace until they agree to sacrifice their lives for the purpose of a set of Karma building programs handed down by the slave/soldiers of the Four Pillars of the Matrix.
If you tether away from your original sacred sovereign souls purpose contracts, your life will become a hollow bell for no one to follow.
Anne of France who is the original incarnation of the Vee collective was an early child development teacher who was the living teaching of soul force, soul energy, and soul power. Anne had a school of children and a small zoo that contained the original thirteen twin dragons and a black jaguar. Many women are not meant to be workers in the system. The rebirth of the feminine who goes back home to feed her children would never allow a government slave system to capture and train her future seeds.
Vee Santorini was the teacher of the divine sovereign nature and the inner teaching that guides us. She instructs mothers to think of all of the children of the Earth as their own. Gardening, crafting, sewing, and the home arts for mothers who say they are tired of the Government's two-payer system has destroyed our paradise earth environment.
Nia Lamborghini is Vee's inner child, who often felt left out and out of sync with society. Being from the Slavic gypsy nations, she only knew pickpocketing and dance as the meaning of life and her culture. Nia is the Star that was born to bring forth the Teachings of the Goddess of the Son. Nia is a descendant of the Pleiadean Art Scientist that were the original overseers of the divine human-paradise Earth project that surrounded the Natural Earth even before societies were formed. Vee gave Nia Lamborghini the most flavorful mix of creating herself from all the myths to know that she is all things, loved, appreciated, and understood for her original sacred sovereign soul’s purpose.
Nia Lamborghini, who is the inner child of Vee Santorini, is the leader of the society called the home of the smoking child and the four scorpions who are a bitch on every corner. Nia is Dawn spelled backward and reads I Am aaaaahN, and she often thinks of herself as the core identity. Nia Lamborghini is the proverbial poor rich girl who runs away from the constraints of society's story. She is like a carnival worker; all of her stories are made up, and she has no home due to her own self, not wanting to be captured by the Matrix.
You can never believe a word she says, but her stories go five layers deep. At night she lines them up like sticks under the desert moon. Each one is entirely true, but a complete lie at the same time like a rubrics cube; they are all tightly locked together so she can hurl them at you as you walk by her booth.
The Tree of Life symbolizes Ra, who is the original incarnation of Prince though it is an important religious symbol overall to the ancient Egyptian religion. The Tree of Life was considered sacred and located in Ra's sun temple. It is said that fruit grew from this tree, but it was not available to humans. Instead, it was reserved for
The Tree of Life symbolizes Ra, who is the original incarnation of Prince though it is an important religious symbol overall to the ancient Egyptian religion. The Tree of Life was considered sacred and located in Ra's sun temple. It is said that fruit grew from this tree, but it was not available to humans. Instead, it was reserved for pharaohs and was said to prevent aging. It was believed that eternal Life could be achieved by eating the fruit from the tree.
Prince was born on June 7th, 1958, which makes him a Gemini.
Prince stands for Sexual Sovereignty, hello Scorpio moon. Ocelot the primordial cat persons DNA, The Eye of Horus, come on now people, this is deep. Purple rain the indigo Star Child, which of course, is his inner child "Indigo Ray," that's a title because he has no actual name.
The sacrilegious order of The Pharaoh Prince is the gateway of the Indigo lineage of all beings who are the children of its light. The Indigo Ray creates a holographic healing effect on all those who are around those who have it. Be well advised to be highly creative at this time, breaking through the former barriers of self and all of its creations.
Ra and Atum both created themselves out of the primordial waters of Nun. One myth tells us that Ra first came to power during the golden age. Everything was perfect, and just as it should be and the Earth had not been tainted in any way. The sight of such perfection moved Ra to tears, and Ra and Atum fell to the Earth. The tears grew into humans. At first, Ra was infatuated with watching humans interact and grow. But then he became angered with them as they ended the golden age that he had loved so much.
Many of the older wheels of life models dealt with levels of life that divine humans who are co-creating with God have already Mastered. The newly forming 18-prong Wheels of Exhilaration and the Vivid Holographic Self-Replicating Time-Space Maps allow the divine human who is co-creating with God to use a multilevel multidimensional, multitasking template that holds Archetypes of a much higher order.
The New Earth is here and each human who is ascending is releasing The Control and Obey Matrix systems.. The downtrodden life is giving way for an entirely new existence. Instead of the closed system mad of programs in a movie screen environment. The system of fitting in and following the lies of success programming, we are being drawn towards a new way of being that includes everything that an individual needs for their individual soul purposes and missions.
The Archetypes of The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine Twin Flames
The Rainbow Bridge Prophesy
The Rainbow Bridge is the ONELOVE ALLONE New Earth Humanity. When man and woman come back into a the original sovereign template for humanity a new nation of sovereignty and freedom will become our reality. The four 72 card oracle deck o
The Archetypes of The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine Twin Flames
The Rainbow Bridge Prophesy
The Rainbow Bridge is the ONELOVE ALLONE New Earth Humanity. When man and woman come back into a the original sovereign template for humanity a new nation of sovereignty and freedom will become our reality. The four 72 card oracle deck of The Goddess of the Son, BOX SETs are romance decks for the healing and reclamation of a real and true partnership between humans for a New Earth Humanity.
The Goddess of the Son teachings are for the unification of the one mind and one heart and the one mind of the New Earth humanity. It is setting all things alright in their correct order to fulfill the Rainbow bridge prophesy for the birth of divine-human creator gods and the beginning of the New Earth societies.
The rainbow bridge of the four Nations of The Earth are the keepers of different natural environment aspects. Each Nation was supposed to keep the resources flowing and the elements pristine. The white people were keepers of fire, the yellow people keepers of the air, the black people keepers of the water, and the red people the Earth's keepers. Each Nation has crisscrossed.
All the blood and races have intermixed, so now we are all one human race.The humans seeking solace and restitution of their original sacred sovereign soul’s purpose are in service the wholeness of Life and the divine plan for a New Earth that is suited to the needs of the natural humans. The Divine Plan of unity amongst humans co-creating in a flourishing New Earth Society.
The Pharaoh, The Heart, and Skull Society
The love story between the Goddess of the Son and Ramesses the II or Ramesses Great was the Pharaoh, Heart and Skull Society leader. He was brought forth and chosen to be his father's successor at age 9. His father Seti the first spoke to the people and named him Prince regent at age 14. "Cause him to appear as King so that I might witness his beauty as I live. Place the crown upon his head. He shall direct the land, and he shall command the people".
He was given a harem and had ten children before he succeeded in his father's throne at 20. Ramesses, the 2nd, was deified as a living god. He sired over 100 children during his 67-year reign. Ultimately Rameses II and was considered the instrument of leading the exodus of the Jews out of the holy land.
The 19th dynasty was the last era of the golden age, and society was built on the belief in Life after death and detailed and intricate burial passage to achieve resurrection. The
Queen Nefatari was his only wife standing beside him in the many 30 feet tall statues of Ramesses, and she had the most elaborate burial site denoted in Egyptian artifacts and findings. He was the supreme being, and whether he was feared, loved, or hated made no difference, Rameses II was ordained Pharaoh, which was the same or equal with God himself.
Siddhartha is a Sicilian cat person and known as Commander Snow when at work as a Pleiadean Art Scientist Cat woman. She is a vigilante whose main skill is to locate time-space differential maps for her chaotic rule breaking justice that will synergistically cause an unbridled force to be reckoned with and explode.
Commander Siddhartha Snow has almost zero human feelings and is as cold as her name. She is a rebel for the cat people who live strictly by instinct-intuition and refuse to follow social restrictions on her own morality and work. She is the voice of others like her who desire a place to band together and share our vigilante stories openly, without reprise.
Siddhartha Snow, known as Sis is a rebel for the Cat people who live strictly by instinct-intuition and unilaterally refuse to follow social restrictions on their own morality and work.
Siddhartha is a Scientist who is interested in Art but keener on the new cellular medicines to catapult an ascended race of divine-humans into hyperdrive biologically to become self-replicating holographic beings of light and frequencies. She is on some high-level things and helping me to become my vision and all I can be. We gather on the high desert landscapes at night and impregnate our Merkabah light ships with the proliferation of life codes.
The Cat people who originated in the plieadian Star systems and birthed in upper Eygpt over 20 thousand Earth years came to live in the countryside of Italy around the 12th Century. The Cat people stayed outside the regular people's villages in the outskirts, and they tried to fit in the best they knew how.
Sicily 1321, the sun was not very bright and laid low in the skies. Undergarment, undercoat, leggings, socks, boots, a shirt, three more skirts, vest, jacket, and cape. The sun hung low during the day, with the scent of fires burning in the cold, moist air. Coyotes were yelping, and birds would sing each day until sunset when everything went quiet. We lit the candles and burned the flames of a cavern life. Amidst the outer unrest and social turmoil, we met in peace at the table, drinking hot tea throughout the day.
The cat sister came in late, her eyes large and puffy, panting and out of breath, she dropped the bag as it made a clanging sound on the wooden table. During that time, there was a lot of gambling and whoring going on on the outskirts of the city. There was a group of Romans who came and caused a lot of trouble with the cousins who had already set up camp. The men added the tinctures to Roman soldiers’ drinks, and later on, they had all fallen asleep.
As I was stepping over them to take my leave, I saw this and now look at what I found, she spilled out 21 perfectly crafted and newly made golden roman crosses. And here my lady one for you and your mother too. We had heard that many of the men had their tongues cut out for losing them, and we all laughed in unison saying, it served them well.
A group of us had them, we wore them under our outer clothing and made sure to move the garments aside when we came upon any Roman soldier. For whatever it was worth, a golden Roman cross was the key to all sorts of gifts and inside knowledge and kept the group of 21 of us out of the claws of death more than once.
The Stack Identities
A stack identity is a combination of several Sub-Identities and Archetypes. The galaxy of planets revolves around the central core identity and the purpose structure. The archetypes, elements, and combinations of identities may come together to create the stack identity. A stack identity may contain some or even all
The Stack Identities
A stack identity is a combination of several Sub-Identities and Archetypes. The galaxy of planets revolves around the central core identity and the purpose structure. The archetypes, elements, and combinations of identities may come together to create the stack identity. A stack identity may contain some or even all nine aspects of the identities and the archetypes in various combinations that create extra soul force and create bridges and portals of soul evolution and growth.
The Eight Essential Sub-Identities and their Inner Children and their Archetypes are the main personalities within the stack identities. The stack identity can be any one of the nine areas or a combination of them. The stack identities emphasize the archetypes that provide the talent, skills, and soul force of their purpose. The stack identities gather all sorts of sub-identities, inner children, and archetypes to build soul force towards the original soul's purpose
The Gypsy God of Art is the sub-identity, and his inner divine child was the proverbial child without a kingdom. The gypsy God of Art is the overseer of the stages of transformation transfiguration and transcendence. The alchemy of polarity includes polarity, neutrality, and embracing something better.
The Gypsy God of Art is an expert on playing out the stories in the Arts. Making Myth Through Movement and all of its nine processes address a human's life on four levels: the Self, The Purpose, The New Earth View and the Science and Art learning environments, and the New Earth Society. No person can dissuade the inner knowing and self-worth of the creator-human.
The psyche contains elements which are pre-personal or transpersonal and common to all. According to Jordon Peterson on Jungian Archetypes lecture 2017, the archetype is a very complicated idea, that you can perceive biologically and socially. It is a creation of the individual, and it is not easy to localize. Archetypes can fit into genomes and ideas such as the king, the ancestral, the family, the monument, the village, the Nation, the predictable, the culture, the day sky, spirits, the city, and the dead. "Peterson."
The Integration of all of the Eight Essential Sub-Identities and their Archetypes
Rivalry is created and fought with the Matrix and its four pillars, corporations of Government, Religion, Health care, and Education. They are all part of the unprogressive sales and competition system based on winning or failing with the four quadrants pe
The Integration of all of the Eight Essential Sub-Identities and their Archetypes
Rivalry is created and fought with the Matrix and its four pillars, corporations of Government, Religion, Health care, and Education. They are all part of the unprogressive sales and competition system based on winning or failing with the four quadrants personal, family, health, and career of a successful Matrix life. The Matrix Corporations do not recognize the service to humanity contracts that are working towards the good of the whole. The quantum fields are where all potential and possibilities for new realities will be created instead of the continual looping of the current dystopian models
The Goddess of the Son has extreme telepathic abilities, and her ears have transfigured to those of an Elfin Queen. Each ear has antennas that have sonar capabilities that send feedback on general and more distant matching frequencies. Her right ear is masculine and sends messages, and her left one is feminine to receive packets of information and insight. She stays directed and diligent to her purpose. Her mind is like a freshly blooming garden where bluebirds bring messages of love, and hummingbirds bring delight.
The heart center of a divine-human is large and juicy. The beautification of a divine-human comes from hearing the celestial music and spreading one's wings. The Law of One began over 2 billion years ago when the original God Ra was depicted as a sun-disk. The golden-winged sun is an ancient symbol worn by the priests and priestesses.
The connection of human beings with Elfin beings and their soul lineages. According to the author Vladimir, the elves are luminous beings, "more beautiful than the sun," whose exalted status is demonstrated by their constantly being linked with the mythic gods:// [1] Orel, Vladimir. 2003. A Handbook of Germanic Etymology. p. 13.
The elves can have ambivalent relations with humans. Elves commonly cause human illnesses, but they also have the power to heal them and seem especially willing to do so if sacrifices are offered to them. Humans and elves can interbreed and produce half-human, half-elfin children, who often have humans' appearance but possess extraordinary intuitive and magical powers.
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